A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

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This little robot needs to go on probably the most important mission of his life but to do so he needs to install more abilities. But something's wrong with the disks he's finding...

This game was developed by:

Max Lange aka Pixdigit (Programming & Level Design)

Luisa Höhne aka Katitan (2D Art & Animation)

Svenja Kampa (3D Art & Animation) 

Leonardo Vega aka TheFipS (Sound Design)

As with all jams: there is a lot we would have like to have done but hadn't had the time to.  We made all graphics ourselves but used some CC0 sounds.

Welp. Due to my bad internet we couldn't upload in time even tough we were "finished" in time. Anyways this is was the version as of 20 minutes before deadline. I've taken the time and fixed a few bugs. If you want the "original" game jam version hit us up (ideally me, Pixdigit).


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

the_last_mission_lin.x86_64 51 MB
the_last_mission_mac.zip 27 MB
the_last_mission_win.exe 46 MB


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This idea is great. really love it <3


Thank you!!